Zabaleta- Tevez needs our help

Last updated : 29 September 2011 By Team Talk

The Argentine, who has twice announced a desire to leave the Blues in the recent past, caused controversy on Tuesday when he apparently refused to step off the bench during a Champions League clash with Bayern Munich.

Tevez has since denied the claims, but City suspended him on Wednesday pending a full investigation into his actions.

Zabaleta was also among the substitutes against Bayern and was seen talking to his international colleague throughout the game.

He insists he was unaware of what was unfolding around him, as manager Roberto Mancini was left fuming on the sidelines.

He has, however, vowed to help Tevez through a troubled period in his career and claims to understand how the frustrated forward must be feeling.

"We need to try to help Carlos," said Zabaleta.

"He has been a really important player for us in the last two years but maybe this season he has had more games on the bench.

"Sometimes that is difficult, and more so for strikers, who need to play, need to score, need to feel confidence."

Zabaleta appreciates that Tevez wants to play every game, as he feels exactly the same, but concedes that, given the competition for places at City, it is not always possible.

"Everybody always wants to play, maybe it's like that," said the 26-year-old.

"It is a difficult moment for him but we need to be calm.

"All players have different characters and sometimes the decision is going to be very difficult for everybody because we have too many players.

"We need to accept that sometimes we are on the bench but we always have to be looking to get into the team."

Source: Team Talk

Source: Team Talk